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Q. What do you call a blonde with two brain cells?

A. Pregnant

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A blonde gets pulled over by the police for speeding. " Ma'am you were going 75 miles an
hour and the speed limit is 65." says the police officer. " Oh I am sorry. I thought I was
going a little over 60." says the blonde. " You were not! You were going 100 at least."
says her husband. " I have to give you a ticket bacause your tailight is broken." says the
officer. " Oh I had never noticed that." says the blonde. " You've known about that for at
laest 2 weeks." says the blonde's husband. "I also have to give you a ticket because you
are not wearing your seatbelt." says the officer. " Oh I thought I was." says the blonde.
" You never wear your seatbelt." says the blonde's husband.

" SHUTTTTTUPPPPPP!!!!!!!" yelled the blonde to her husband. " Sir. Does she always talk to
you like this?" asks the officer. " No. Only when she is drunk." says the husband

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How did a blonde try to kill a fish?
She drowned it.

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One day a worker was drinking a cup of coffee when a blonde came
up to him and asked about the cup. The man told the blonde that
it was a thermose and kept hot things hot and cold things cold
and that she could buy one for $8.99 at Target. The blonde
thought that this was amazing and so she went to Target to buy

The following day she was sitting at her desk when another lady
came up and asked her what the purpose of the thermose was. THe
blonde repiled that it kept hot things hot and cold things cold.
Wow said the lady do you have anything in it "Of course I have
two cups of coffee and a popsicle in it."

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