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One day three blondes were walking on a beach. They see a
bottle, so they pick it up. A magic genie comes out and
says, "Since you have released me from my bottle, I will grant
each one of you one wish." So the first blonde says, "I wanna
be really, really smart!" so the genie turns her into a
brunette. The second blonde said, "I wanna be smart, but not
too smart." So the genie turns her into a red head. The third
blonde says, "I wanna be really, really, stupid!" so the genie
turns her into a man.

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A blonde is in a row boat in the middle of the street. Another
blonde comes along and yells to her "Hey, you stupid bitch,
It's blondes like you that make us all look stupid, if I could
swim I'd swim out there and kick your ass!

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What do a blonde, a baseball player, a basketball player, a
football player, and a soccer player have in common?

They all like to play with balls.

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Why can't blondes make icecubes?

They don't know the recipes.

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