Q: Why did the blonde write TGIF in her shoe?
A: So she would know that her toes go in first
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Why do blondes have to put TGIF on the top of their shoes?
To remind them that Toes Go In First!
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The leggy, long haired blonde columnist lawyer named Ann
was wearing a mini-skirt and a low-cut blouse. Around her
neck she wore a little golden airplane on a long chair.
All night long the joke moderator, a dweebish looking guy
named Ray, kept eyeing her. They made eye contact and he
came over to her.
Slightly embarrassed as Ray gazed all over her, she held up
her airplane charm and said, "Oh, you like my airplane?"
"Actually, ma'am," he smiled mischievously, "I'm kind of fond
of the landing field."
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There was a blonde a brunette and a redhead and they were all
stuck in a burning building. The fire department came and they
got a blanket for them to jump on to. The brunette got up into
the window they started to yell "Come on we'll catch you!" so
she said "Ok, I trust you guys." So she jumped and they moved
out of the way and she hit the ground and died. Then the red
head got up there and they did the exact thing to her to. The
blond got up there and the fire guys started to yell once
again "Come on we'll catch you come on". She said to them "No
way I saw what ya'll did to the other two just put the blanket
on the ground!"
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