A blonde man comes home and his son says "Daddy Daddy Mommy is
in the bedroom and she's all sweaty and naked."
So the man walks into his room and sure enough his wife is
sitting there on the bed naked and sweating. He asked her why
and before she could could answer he said "Oh my god you are
having a heart attack arent you?"
So he goes to the closet to get her some clothes. He opens the
door and his brother is standing there naked and the blonde man
says to his brother "What are you doing just standing there? My
wife is having a heart attack!! Why arent you helping her!!"
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Why did the blonde climb the glass wall?
To see what was on the other side!!!
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There were three women, a blonde a redhead and a brunette. They
each had one apple. The redhead took a bite of her apple and
said "Yuck! there's a worm in my apple!". Then the brunette
took a bite of her apple and said "Ewe! there's a worm in my
apple too!". Then the blonde took a bite of her apple and
said, "How come there's only half a worm in my apple?"
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 561 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

A blonde woman was standing at the pop machine. She put in her money and pressed the Coke
button and out came a can of Coke. She looked at it and smiled. She took out another
dollar, put it in the pop machine, pressed the 7-Up button and out came a can of 7-Up.
She looked at it and really started smiling. She put in the change from her dollar and
pressed the Coke button again, and out came another can of Coke. She had the biggest grin
ever by this time. There was a man watching her when he finally went up to her and said,
"What are you doing?" She looked at him and said, "Duh, I'm winning!"
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 1 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

