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What happens when a Blonde gets alzheimers?

Her I.Q. goes up.

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what does a blonde and a doorknob have in common?
everyone gets a turn!

what do blondes and spaggetti have in common?
they squirm when you eat them

what do you call a blonde with a dollar bill on her head?
All you can eat under a buck

what is the difference between a 747 and a blonde?
not everyone has been on a 747

how many blondes does it take to screw in a light bulb?
one, blondes will screw anything

why was the blondes belly button sore?
her boyfriend was a blonde too!

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How did the blonde burn her nose?

Bobbing for French fries.

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Why aren't blondes good cattle ranchers?
Because they can't keep two calves together.

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