A father is in church with three of his young
children, including his five year old daughter.
As was customary, he sat in the very front row
so that the children could properly witness
the service. During this particular service,
the minister was performing the baptism of a
tiny infant. The little five year old girl was
taken by this, observing that he was saying
something and pouring water over the infant's head.
With a quizzical look on her face, the little
girl turned to her father and asked: "Daddy,
why is he brainwashing that baby?"
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A minister was feeling bored one Sunday and
decided to take the day off from church. He
told the assistant minister he wasn't feeling
well and drove off. He stopped at a golf course
about forty miles away (so that no one would
know him.)
Up in Heaven, the angels were talking. One
said to Jesus, "Are you going to let him get
away with that?"
Jesus said, "No, I won't."
The minister teed off on the first hole and
suddenly, the wind picked up, blowing the ball
right in the hole for a 420 yard hole-in-one.
The angel looked at Jesus and said, "Why did
you do that?"
Jesus smiled and replied, "Who's he going to tell?"
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 132 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

George W. Bush, in an airport lobby,
noticed a man in a long flowing white
robe with a long flowing white beard
and flowing white hair. The man had
a staff in one hand and some stone
tablets under the other arm. George
W. approached the man and inquired,
"Aren't you Moses?"
The man ignored George W. and stared
at the ceiling. George W. positioned
himself more directly in the man's view
and asked again, "Aren't you Moses?"
The man continued to peruse the ceiling.
George W. tugged at the man's sleeve
and asked once again, "Aren't you Moses?"
The man finally responded in an irritated
voice, "Yes I am".
George W. asked him why he was so uppity
and the man replied, "The last time a
bush spoke to me I ended up spending
forty years in the wilderness".
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 205 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

Father Flynn bought two bottles
of rum while in St. John's.
He left them on the back seat
of his car while he visited and
when he returned, one was missing.
He exclaimed, "Well now, who was
the black Protestant who stole
my bottle of rum?"
A friend asked, "Father, why do
you think it was a Protestant?"
the Father replied, "Bcause if it
was a Catholic he'd have taken
the both of them."
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 70 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

