There where three blondes all taking a walk down the beach, when
one of them trips over something stuck in the sand. She bends
over to pick it up and discovers that it is a bottle. So, they
start rubbing it to polish it up when out pops a genie.. ah you
have freed me at last thank you. And for doing so I will grant
you 3 wishes, one a piece. They all think about it for a minute
and then one of them pops up, I wish I was 50% smarter, ok your
wish is my command....poof he turned her into a brunette, then
the second one said I wish I was 20% smarter, ok your wish is my
command.....poof he turned her into a red head. The 3rd one says
I wish I was 60% dumber, ok your wish is my command..... poof he
turned her into a man.
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A blonde goes to a fast food restaurant for a cup of coffee.
While sipping it, she looks on the side of her cup and finds
a peel-off game piece. She pulls off the tab and yells, "I won!
I won! I won a motor home! I won a motor home!"
A waitress runs over and says, "That's impossible, the biggest
prize given away was a mini van!" The blonde replies, "No, I won
a motor home! I won a motor home!"
Next the manager makes his way over to the table and
explains, "You couldn't possibly have won a motor home, because
we didn't offer that as a prize!" Again the blonde says, "No, no
mistake, I won a motor home! I won a motor home!" With that, she
hands the prize ticket to the manager to read for himself. Sure
enough, the ticket reads, "WIN A BAGEL!"
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This blond's house was on fire and so she caled the fire
department. She said frantically "You gotta help me my house is
on fire!" They replied "Okay mam, calm down. Where do you live?"
The blonde said "No you don't understand, my house is on fire,
my house is on fire!" The operator said "Okay, okay, but we
can't do anything until we find out what you address is." "You
have to get over here now! My house is burning up into flames!
You have to get over here right now! My house is on fire!" The
blond said now panicing. The operator said "Okay mam, but how do
we get there?" The blond replied, now more calm, "Duh... little
red truck!"
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There are 3 blondes stranded on an island. It is 1 mile to the
nearest civilization. The first blonde swims 1 quarter mile and
drowns. The second blonde swims 1 half mile and drowns. The
third blonde swims 1 half mile, decides she can't do it and
swims 1 half mile back!!!!!!!!
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 7 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

