A blonde, a mexican ,and a chinese man were working on top of a
The mexican looks into his lunchbox and sees a burrito he
says "If I have another burrito I will jump off this building
and kill myself."
The chinese looks and see wontons and says "If I have another
wonton I will also jump and kill myself."
The blonde looks into his lunchbox and sees a peanut butter and
jelly sandwich he says "If I have another pb and j sandwhich I too
will jump to my death."
Sure enough the next day they all had the same thing and they
all jumped to their death.
At the funeral the mexicans' wife goes "If I had known I would
have given him something else."
The chinese wife goes "If I had known I would have given him
something else."
The blonde says "Don't look at me he packs his own lunch."
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At a hockey game there was a contest to see if blondes are
really stupid. A little blonde girl was picked to answer the
Q:What is 2+2?
The little girl replied,"8".
Then all the blondes in the stadium yelled "GIVE HER ANOTHER
The man said "ok".
Q:What is 2+2?
The little girl replied,"6".
Then all the blondes yelled "GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE"
The man said "ok, but this is the last time"
Q:what is 2+2?
The little girl replied,"4"
Then all the blondes yelled "GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE"
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A dumb blonde, a smart blonde, and santa clause are walking down
the street. There is a dollar on the sidewalk. Who picks it up?
The dumb blonde the other two don't exist.
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Two blondes were waiting at the Pearly Gates and struck up a
First blonde says "How did you die?"
Second says "I froze to death".
First blonde says "Must have been awful."
Second blonde says "How did you die?"
First blonde says "I had a heart attack, I knew my husband was
being unfaithful so I came home unexpectedly one day and rushed
to the bedroom and found my husband alone reading. I rushed to
the basement and nobody was hiding there, I rushed to the attic
and still no one, and after all that rushing around I had a
heart attack and died."
Second blonde says, "If only you'd looked in the freezer we'd
both still be alive."
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