A blonde woman, a black woman and a hispanic woman were
traveling across the country by jet. Half way through the trip,
the pilot comes on the intercom and announces, "I have some bad
news. We are having major engine trouble and a crash is
inevitable, so please prepare yourself."
The blonde immediately opens her purse and frantically touches
up her makeup. The hispanic woman say, "What are you doing?
We're going to crash! We're not going to a party!"
The blonde answers, "I know, but I heard that they always save
the beautiful people first in a crash."
The hispanic woman then goes through her purse and puts on every
bit of jewelry she has and puts on the beautiful new sweater she
was taking to her mother as a gift.
The black woman see this and asks, "Girl, are you crazy? What
are you doing?"
The hispanic woman says, "I heard, that in a crash, they always
look for the rich people first."
The black woman then jumps up and removes her skirt and panties.
The other two women ask her what she is doing.
"I don't know where you two get your information, but when I see
a plane crash on the news, the most important thing is finding
the black box!"
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A Russian, an American, and a blonde were talking one day. The Russian said, "We were the
first in space!" The American said,"We were the first on the moon!" The blonde said, "So
what, we're going to be the first on the sun!" The Russian and the American looked at each
other and shook their heads. "You can't land on the sun, you idiot! You'll burn up!" said
the Russian, to which the blonde replied, "We're not stupid, you know. We're going at
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Airport Security alerted an airline crew to keep an eye a
blonde passenger who appeared excessively nervous and shifty-
eyed. Soon after takeoff, the blonde man called a stewardess to
his seat and said, "I have a live grenade in my pocket. I'll
blow up the plane if you do not divert to Cairo."
Perplexed, the stewardess said, "But, sir. This is TWA flight
1219 to Cairo."
"Damn!" replied the blonde passenger, "I got on the wrong
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One day, a man was on his porch. All of a sudden, the blonde
next door comes out and checks her mailbox. With a frustrated
look on her face, she goes back inside without any mail. 5
minutes later, the blonde comes back and checks her mailbox and
yet again, she goes back inside without any mail.Then, the
blonde goes back out to check it. The neighbor is puzzled so he
asks her why she keeps checking her mailbox and going back
inside without any mail. "Well, my computer says I've got mail
but when I go out and check, there isn't any!!" was her reply!!
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