There was 3 lady's ready to jump off a building, one was
brunette, one was redhead and the other was a BLONDE. So of
course all three of the ladies jumped. It took the brunette 3
minutes, the red head 7 minutes but still the blonde didn't hit
the ground.Finally after 2 hours the firemen were still waiting
with the trampaline.All of a sudden after 2 hours she fell. One
firemen asked her why it took her so long so the blonde
replied "I had to ask for directions."
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A flying saucer landed at a gas station on a lonely country
road. The two space aliens inside seemed completely unconcerned
about detection; in fact, the letters "UFO" were emblazoned in
big, bold letters on one side of their shiny craft.
As the station owner stood and gawked in silence, paralyzed with
shock, his young, blonde attendant nonchalantly filled up the
tank and then waved to the two aliens as they took off.
"Do you realize what just happened?" the station owner finally
"Yeah," said the blonde attendant. "So?"
"Didn't you see the space aliens in that vehicle?!"
"Yeah," repeated the blonde. "So?"
"Didn't you see the letters 'UFO' on the side of that vehicle?!"
"Yeah," repeated the blonde attendant. "So?"
"Don't you know what 'UFO' means?!"
The blonde attendant rolled her eyes. "Good grief, boss! I've
been working here for five years. Of course I know what 'UFO'
means - it means 'Unleaded Fuel Only'."
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Why do blondes have more fun?
They are easier to amuse.
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A brunette, a blonde and a redhead are all in third grade.
Who has the biggest breasts? -- The blonde, because she's 18
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