A redhead, a brunette and a blonde are driving through a desert
when their car breaks down. They don't have a phone so they
have to walk. They each bring something along. The brunette and
the blonde ask the redhead why she brought water. She said, "
So if we get thristy we can drink". Then the redhead and the
blonde ask the brunette why she brought food. She said, "So if
we get hungry we can eat". Then the brunette and the redhead
asked the blonde why she brought the car door. She said "So if
we get hot we can roll down the window."
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Why did the blonde resolve to have only three children?
Because she read that one child out of every four born was
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 125 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

man had a big date with a very sexy blonde,he decided to lay
out on a sunny day on his roof to get a good tan but he fell
asleep and burnt his manly part. Not wanting to cancel the big
date he rubbed lotion on it and hoped it would be ok.
During the middle of there date he asked to be excused because
his manly had started hurting.... he went into the kitchen
poured a tall glass of milk and stuck his penis in it.
The blonde worried walked in the kitchen and seen him.... as he
was very embarressed and about to explain to the blonde said
"Oh so that's how you guys load them things!"
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How do you keep a blonde amused for hours?
Put her in a circular room and tell her to sit in the corner.
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 102 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

