What does a blonde and a bowling ball have in common?
They get fingered guttered and always comes back for more.
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Q. Why was the blonde sad when she got her physical?
A. Because she got an "F for sex.
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There was a blonde and she walked into a bar and sat down. She said to the bartender,
"Barkeep, can you get me a martooni?" He says, "Sure." and goes back to make her one. He
gives it to her and she drinks it. Then she says, "Barkeep can you get me another
martooni?" Once again he says, "Sure." He goes back, makes her a martini, and gives it to
her. She drinks that one too. Then she sits there for 1 minute, 5 minutes... 10 minutes go
by and the bartender finally asks her if she would like another martini. She says, "No
beacause I have this terrible heartburn." The bartender says, "Ok, there are three things
wrong here..."
Finally he says, "One, it's bartender, not barkeep. Two, it's martini not martooni. And
three, it's not that your having heartburn, it's just that your boob's in the ash tray!"
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How did the blonde try to kill the fish?
She held it under water.
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 89 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

