In the beginning,
God created earth and rested.
Then God created man and rested.
Then God created woman.
Since then, neither God nor man has rested.
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When you do a good deed get a receipt
(in case heaven is like the IRS).
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Two bishops were discussing the decline
of morals in the modern world.
"I didn't sleep with my wife before I was
married," said one clergyman self-righteously.
"Did you?"
"I don't know," said the other. "What was her maiden name?"
   Rate the joke: 1 2 3 4 5 14 people already rated this joke. Send this joke to a friend Start your day smiling with a funny joke by SMS.

The Rev. Dr. Jordan was anxious about his son's
college examination and requested him to telegraph
the results. The boy sent the following telegram,
"Hymn 342, fifth verse, last two lines."
Looking it up, the father found the words,
"Sorrow vanished, labor ended, Jordan passed."
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