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A doctor is walking down hospital hall
toward his office, when he passes
Mother Angelica walking very briskly while
saying her rosary rather loudly. His associate,
a Psychotherapist, comes around the next corner
and he asks him about this.
"Hey, what's with Mother Angelica? She
was just hoofing down the hall and saying
her rosary to beat the band."
"Aw, I just told her she was pregnant."
"My God, is she?"
"No, of course not, but it sure cured her hiccups!"

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Two young boys were spending the
night at their grandparents. At bedtime,
the two boys knelt beside their beds to
say their prayers when the youngest
one began praying at the top of his lungs.
His older brother leaned over and nudged
The younger brother and said,
"Why are you shouting your prayers?
God isn't deaf."
To which the little brother replied,
"No, but Grandma is!"

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Three friends decided to visit a prostitute : a whit
e guy, a black guy, and a Jew. It was a slow night,
So she gave the guys a deal.
"You can pay $10 an inch."
When the white man comes back out his friends ask:
"How much did she charge you?"
"$65 dollars," said the first.
The black guy goes in and returns with a fee of $95.
The first two were proud of their prowess. The third
man goes in and returns,
"How much did she charge you?" ask the first two :
"20 dollars", replies the Jew.
The first two start laughing hysterically.
"Hey guys," replied the third,
"I'm not so stupid, I paid on the way out."

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A priest at a parochial school,
wanting to point out the proper
behavior for church, was trying
to elicit from the youngsters rules
that their parents might give before
taking them to a nice restaurant.
"Don't play with your food," one second-grader cited.
"Don't be loud," said another, and so on.
"And what rule do you parents give you before
you go out to eat?" the priest inquired
of one little boy.
without batting an eye, the child replied,
"Order something cheap."

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